Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Gestational Surrogacy Process - An overview of a typical IVF Cycle

1. Egg Production
The IVF cycle is performed on the donor (or intended mother) using one or more fertility drugs to increase the number of eggs produced. Multiple follicles (the part of the ovary that contains the eggs) are needed to increase the number of eggs retrieved, thereby increasing the number of embryos developed and hence the chances for conception.

The process begins with the synchronization of both donor and carrier's menstrual cycles and may require using the medication Lupron. The donor will also be taking daily injections of Fertinex, Follistim, or Gonal-f to encourage this multi-follicular development. Follicular maturation is evaluated by daily blood levels and ultrasound. At a time determined by the physician, an injection of human Chorionic Gonadatropin (hCG) is given to bring the eggs to final maturity. Approximately 35 hours after this injection, the donor will undergo the egg retrieval that is done in the clinic on an outpatient basis.

2. Preparing The Uterus For Implantation
The carrier will be hormonally synchronized to the donor using Estrogen and Progesterone. The carrier's endometrial receptivity will be evaluated similarly using blood tests and ultrasounds. In addition, the angle and depth of the cervix and uterus will be determined using a catheter identical to the one that will be used for the actual embryo transfer.

3. Egg Retrieval
Aspiration of follicles for eggs is performed through an ultrasound guided approach under IV sedation. The retrieval consists of aspirating the ovarian follicles and identifying the eggs in the follicular fluid under a microscope. The eggs are then held in an incubator until the time of insemination in the laboratory. On this day, the sperm donor (or intended father) will be expected to produce a sperm sample that will be used to inseminate the eggs.

4. Embryo Transfer
The embryo transfer may be done 3-5 days after the retrieval. The physician performing the transfer will discuss with the carrier and the intended parents the status of the embryos and the number to be replaced. The number of embryos transferred varies according to their quantity and quality. At this point, there may be an opportunity to cryopreserve any remaining embryos that continue to develop normally, for possible transfer in future cycles.
The embryo transfer is done under sterile conditions, in a reclining position with legs up, as if having a pap smear. The transfer is easy and virtually pain free in most cases. Following the transfer the carrier is required to lie flat for a half hour and afterwards may return home to relax for the remainder of the day.

5. Testing for Pregnancy
Approximately 2 weeks after the transfer, the carrier will take a blood pregnancy test. If it is positive, the clinic will generally monitor you for several more weeks before discharging you to your own obstetrician.

We hope you get correct information about Gestational Surrogacy Process in this article.

Surrogacy in Nepal - Surrogacy for Singles, Gays and Couples

  1. Gestational Surrogacy India offer
    surrogacy as well as IVF facilities to intended parents in Nepal.
  2. The ground-breaking step of offering Surrogacy in Nepal is a boon for singles females, single men as well as for gay couples as they are allowed to get surrogacy services in other countries.
  3. Legal framework for surrogacy in Nepal is not as strict as it is in other parts of the world like India and UK and US and because of this very reason a number of foreign clients consider surrogacy in Nepal.
  4. You do not need a visa to come to Nepal. Nepal offers Visa on Arrival facility for most of the countries.
  5. IVF clinics in Nepal are made by using state of art technology so that surrogate mother’s as well as intended parents coming out there can have the satisfaction in terms of services provided to them while they avail surrogacy facilities.
  6. The most advantageous part of getting surrogacy services in Nepal is that, patients are given services from renowned medical practitioners. It elevates success percentage.
  7. Most prestigious intercontinental hospitals settled in Nepal that has 18 ICUs, 12 CCUs and 4 NICs with separate medical gas supply for the isolation rooms.
  8. Adequate facilities in every room helps service personal offer the best in terms of pre and post operative services.
  9. Surrogacy and IVF techniques have recently been added to the amplified range of services offered and thus the hospital continues to be the one prominent offering every sort of treatment
  10. For surrogacy purposes, the clinics choose surrogate mother only if they clear the standards made by the hospital itself.
  11. The rehabilitation of surrogate at surrogacy homes is given intense importance as the hospital rooms are equipped with all the required entertainment and treatment facilities
  12. There are no major legal complications to get indulged into and thus both the parties i.e. intended parents as well as surrogates do not need to get into any complicated legalities.
  13. Intended parents coming to Nepal for surrogacy have the opportunity to choose their egg donor [Nepali / Indian] as per their requirement.
  14. The cost of surrogacy is Nepal is much lesser than developed countries.
  15. The cost of surrogacy in Nepal is approximately $40,000 including the expenses of medicines and the payment of surrogate mother.

9 Everyday Things That Lower Sperm Count

Remember when we all thought Mountain Dew affected a guy’s sperm count? Luckily, those days are gone … and we’re hoping no one actually used the soda as a form of birth control. But, there still are some very ordinary things that do influence a man’s fertility.
From the unhealthy habits, such as drinking, to the stranger ones, like putting on sunscreen, we’re counting down the things he loves doing that are decreasing his sperm production.

1. Wearing Sunscreen

Lathering up before a day in the sun may actually be protecting him against skin cancer but it’s also potentially impairing his fertility. A brand new study from Longitudinal Investigation of Fertility and the Environment (LIFE) found that chemicals commonly found in sunscreen can impair male fertility by 30 percent.
When the skin absorbs chemicals which filter out UV rays, like BP-2 or 3OH-BP, it can interfere with his hormones. Researchers say men concerned about fertility should wash off sunscreen when they head indoors.

2. Eating Processed Meat

Trying to conceive? He may want to re-think those BLTs he’s been scarfing down every day. A new study found that processed meat, like sausage or bacon, can significantly harm sperm quality.
I know, I know, he’s probably thinking, take my eyes but not the bacon, but the Harvard University researchers found that men who ate half a portion of processed meat a day had 5.5 percent ‘normal’ shaped sperm cells, compared to 7.2 percent who ate less. Instead, they found that fish are possibly the secret to better sperm. Bacon, egg and halibut sandwich, anyone?

3. Watching TV

Another reason he should hand over that remote? The couch isn’t doing much for his health, as you may have guessed. But, it’s not just his physique and motivation that are at risk as he kicks his feet up on the sofa and inhales a bag of Doritos.
A study from the British Journal of Sports Medicine confirmed that men who watch a lot of TV have fewer sperm than men who exercise moderately or vigorously each week.
Couch potatoes who viewed more than 20 hours of television a week had 44 percent lower sperm count than men who watched almost no television. Time to get moving, fellas.

4. Drinking

Turns out, the beer belly isn’t the only bad side effect from his favorite beverage. Drinking alcohol can lower testosterone levels, which in turn leads to decreased sperm quality and production. Moderation is key with drinking — and hopefully he stops doing it on the couch watching TV, too.

5. Not Having Sex

While we just ruled out some of his favorite activities, he will probably be more apt to help remedy this sperm-zapper.
While some have said “saving sperm” until a woman is most fertile could help couples who are trying to conceive, it actually has no benefit and can make matters worse. For guys with low sperm counts, abstaining from even one day of sex can decrease their production even further, according to researchers at Soroka University Medical Centre in Israel. Abstaining from sex also causes sperm to change in shape, a sign that the sperm is going stale.

6. Stressing

Stress is bad for numerous emotional and physical reasons, but his fertility is at risk too. Whether he’s anxious about work or even having a low sperm count, severe or prolonged stress can interfere with testosterone production. We know some fun stress-busters for you and you guy. Wink, wink.

7. Eating Soy

Whoever thought something as delicious (and addictive) as edamame could be so detrimental to the reproductive system?
A 2008 Harvard School of Public Health study revealed that even half a serving of soy a day was enough to harm a man’s sperm production. Isoflavones, which are found in soy products actually mimic estrogen. More tofu for you.

8. Using His Laptop & Cell Phone

As addicted as he is to his two favorite pieces of technology, it might be best for his sperm count to avoid using them for long periods of time.
Researchers warn that the heat given off from laptops may increase the temperature in his scrotum and reduce sperm production.
In 2008, a study revealed a strong association between cell phone use and sperm count, saying that those who talked for four or more hours had fewer, weaker sperm.
More recently, researchers discovered that men who carry their phones in their pocket or on their belt (they still do that?) were more likely to have fewer, inactive sperm.

9. Being A Vegetarian

Thought a plant-based diet pretty much made you healthy as a whistle? Us too. Until this study came out saying that a diet rich in fruit and vegetables may harm fertility!

Researchers at Loma Linda University Medical School found that vegetarians and vegans had much lower sperm counts compared with carnivores, 50 million sperm per ml compared with 70 million per ml.
They also had less active sperm. One third of sperm were active for veggies and vegans versus nearly 60 percent for meat eaters. What’s to blame? The guess is vitamin deficiencies and those evil soy replacements we just told you about.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Gestational Surrogacy India helps Foreign Patients by Surrogacy Guidelines

Surrogacy in India becomes a best option for intended parents of all backgrounds—including single individuals, and unmarried straight couples. India brings itself a favorable destination for Global Surrogacy Arrangements. The reliable medical services, convenience in approach, and favorable legal position has vastly placed to the country as one-stop destination for international surrogacy arrangements.
With the passage of time, India has shown itself as a pioneer in the global surrogacy arrangements, aiding thousands of international couple attaining to their parenthood. While the United States comes as a popular destination for surrogacy owing to its favorable laws for intended parents, in recent years, intended parents from Australia, the United States and some countries has been turning to India in growing numbers because of complete fertility treatment even at the low cost.

At GestationalSurrogacyIndia, we now make you aware with other but important aspects relating to Surrogacy for foreign patients, such as Medical visa, and so on.

Issue of Visa for Surrogacy

Couples from foreign countries seeking visa to India for purposes of surrogacy arrangement must determine earlier whether their country’ law permits surrogacy and will give appropriate travel document (such as a Passport) to the child to going with the surrogate parents back to their country. Entering into surrogacy arrangement under any other visa not sought for surrogacy is punishable under the Indian law.

Conditions to Visa for surrogacy

  1. The Foreign man and woman are duly married and the marriage should have continued at least for two years. So, a copy of the marriage certificate must be given with the visa application form.
  2. A letter from the Embassy of the applicant's country in India should be enclosed with the Visa application stating clearly that (a) the country accepts to the surrogacy and (b) the child/children to be born to the commissioning couple through the Indian surrogate mother will be allowed entry into their country as a biological child/children of the couple commissioning surrogacy.
  3. The couple will give an undertaking that they would look after the child/children born through surrogacy.
  4. The treatment should be executed only at one of the registered Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) clinics acknowledged by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).
  5. The couple should generate a properly notarized agreement between the applicant couple and the potential Indian surrogate mother.
  6. Before leaving to India to go their country, Exit permission from FRRO would be required.
GestationalSurrogacyIndia is helpful for intended parents of all backgrounds from other countries have the surrogacy lawfully, within the legal aspects of surrogacy.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Dr. Rita Bakshi organizes ICFRS at AIIMS New Delhi

Dr. Rita Bakshi organizes ICFRS at AIIMS

With her incredible attempt at the fertility treatment, Dr. Rita Bakshi is known well to leave nothing to help one treat his/her infertility disorder. On 23rd to 25th May 2014 at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in cooperation with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, AIIMS, New Delhi, India, she through ICRFS means to invite National & International Healthcare Fraternity working in the field of Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) for the upcoming “International conference on Reproduction, fertility and surrogacy”.

Known as a state-of-art conference, ICRFS-2014 gives platform to National / International renowned experts including various Doctors, Lawyers, Counselors, Diagnostic experts, surrogate parents, surrogates, and Surrogate children. As this is believed to make you sure to much of the information, knowledge & skill with the goal of providing cost effective, Safe & affordable Assisted Reproduction Technology Services, this intends well to encourage and show the benefits of quickly changing Concept & practices in the field of Reproduction, Fertility and Surrogacy.

Not only does the conference concentrate on the promotion of Research in the fields of ART, but also this gives confidence to the high standards of research, and the clinical practice in use of most appropriate methods in the modern medical science. Also there are precise discussions over the countries in this conference that have taken different legislative approaches to commercial surrogacy arrangements, which cooperated with a lack of global regulation, forms a number of legal problems.

Also it is discussed in the conference that several countries, including France, Italy, Germany, China and Japan disallow to the surrogacy arrangements, even if no commercial element is present in the agreement. In only a few countries such as India, Russia and a few of American states (notable California and Florida) have consequently become destinations for the couples seeking a child via surrogacy. In total, the attempt from Dr. Rita Bakshi is fully meant to bring up importance of surrogacy benefits. Also, she expects a large number of participants not only from India but also from neighboring countries to encourage meaning of this conference.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Australians flock to India to find surrogate mothers

A sharp rise in Australian children born in India shows laws criminalizing commercial surrogacy are doing nothing to stop parents going overseas to find birth mothers for their children, surrogacy advocates say.
The number of citizenship requests for children born in India has increased by more than 300 per cent over the past five years, documents obtained under freedom of information show.
Surrogacy Australia founder Sam Everingham said Australians were fast becoming the highest per capita users of compensated, or commercial, surrogacy, despite laws in NSW and other states criminalizing it, even if it occurs overseas.
''Australia, funnily enough, has become one of the largest surrogacy MARKETS internationally because of the perfect storm created by the lack of access to international adoption, women leaving childbirth later on, and the fact we are a wealthy country and women can afford it,'' he said.

He estimated that about 500 couples across Australia were engaging in compensated surrogacy overseas each year.
Compensated surrogacy is illegal in Victoria, but it is not illegal if the couple do it overseas.
Nationally, the Family Law Council is reviewing how to best to DEAL with the legal issues posed by increasing use of surrogacy, with a report due in December.

University of Technology Sydney professor Jenni Millbank said figures she obtained from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship showed there were 519 applications for citizenship for children lodged in India in the 2011-12 FINANCIAL year.

This compared with only 126 in the 2007-08 FINANCIAL year.
She said it had ''never been easier'' to pay for surrogacy overseas, but its legal status meant many IVF doctors were refusing to give any advice to couples considering it.

''Patients are going in blind, with no information from their doctors about how many embryos to transfer and the risks of those sorts of things,'' she said.

''People don't want to go to a poor country and behave harmfully, but they work with the information they have.''

She said her discussions with Indian fertility providers indicated some had multiple PREGNANCY rates of between 25 and 40 per cent, due to the common practice of transferring multiple embryos.

Multiple transfers can put the mother and babies at risk, and in Australia IVF clinics have cracked down on the practice and have a multiple birth rate of only 8 per cent.

Professor Millbank said the steep rises in Australian children born in countries such as India indicated more children were being born through compensated surrogacy, although the figures also include children who were not born through surrogacy but need to apply for citizenship overseas.

The rise is also evident in other countries commonly used for surrogacy, with Thailand increasing 54 per cent, from 297 to 459 applications, and Ukraine 122 per cent, from nine children to 20.

In a recent presentation at the Fertility Society of Australia conference, Professor Millbank argued that Australia should create an ethical framework for compensated surrogacy.

''That doesn't mean a profit-driven system, or an incentive system, but one that doesn't make it so hard to do it if people want to do it,'' she said.

''Parents say the idea that they would ask someone to do that for free is abhorrent.''

Friday, August 22, 2014

Surrogacy in Delhi - How to select Clinic for Affordable Costs

Before you go with the next step in your journey to be parent, it is worth looking for a good fertility clinic. When it comes to selecting a best surrogacy clinic, do thorough research ahead of the time. One useful resource is a database that you may see through; by the E-help that contains the success rates of fertility centers around the country even across the country too. 

So keep in mind that some fertility centers that seemed great of their medical services several years ago may have now equipped with modern medical technologies too. Also, surrogacy in India takes away all other countries availing fertility treatments at the high cost, in manner to compose cost of surrogacy suited to the clients’ pockets, usually.
Surrogacy In Delhi

Access to Affordable Fertility Solutions
Fertility treatments are generally enclosed by insurance. In fact, several companies require insurance facility to offer varying forms of benefits for fertility treatments. So, the entire cost of fertility treatments is covered by the insurance. Though the cost is known to be the number one barrier to treatment for many patients, thousands of people are diagnosed with infertility every year but fewer of them ever see a fertility specialist owing to the lack of personal funds.

Comparison over Prices without Negotiation
Bear in mind that comparing prices is not the only factor to consider. You should never negotiate on safety to save money, nor should you prefer for a fertility clinic that you do not feel comfortable with just because it is cheaper. Obtaining fertility treatment is very confidence just to save a little more money. But you have to be aware of those fertility clinics coming with no success rate at their fertility treatments. Everywhere, it may be seen a huge number of fertility clinics coming high cost to their treatment, but do not become successful in wining over its patients’ heart well, in order to offer reliable and result-oriented medical services.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

IVF takes in its Role Vital to help Intended Parent enliven Their Parenthood

ivf process step by step
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a process by which an egg is fertilized by sperm outside the body. At GestationalSurroagcyIndia, IVF is known a major treatment for infertility. IVF may be used to conquer female infertility where it occurs because of problems with the Fallopian tubes, making fertilization in vivo difficult.
In addition, it can aid in male infertility, in those cases where there is a fault in sperm quality; in such cases intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) may be used, where a sperm cell is injected directly into the egg cell. This comes in vision when sperm have intricacy to going in the egg, and in these cases the partner's or a donor's sperm may be used.

Steps to IVF Process
  • Observe and stimulate the development of healthy egg(s) in the ovaries.
  • Collect the eggs.
  • Safe the sperm.
  • Unite the eggs and sperm together in the laboratory and give the proper environment for fertilization and early embryo growth.
  • Move embryos into the uterus.
IVF with Sperm Donor:-In vitro fertilization with donor sperm is considered when there is a male factor developing from absent or notably unusual sperm. So, couples use donor sperm when the husband has no sperm or a very poor semen analysis. Single women who want a biological child also use donor sperm. 

IVF with Egg Donor:-GestationalSurrogacyIndia has its services in IVF with Donor Egg. Our team is capable at managing care for the patients who live locally, and out-of-state. The donor egg program at GestationalSurrogacyIndia has been among the most comprehensive and successful in the nation. The ability to offer both fresh and frozen donor egg cycles signifies that our patients have more options, more control and can start treatment more quickly.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Surrogacy Process insists Interfile Couples follow it to Lawful Fertility

Surrogacy Process IndiaSurrogacy in India is a step-by-step process that helps you and holds your hand in each step to take you closer to your dream of having a baby of your own. At GestationalSurrogacyIndia, there are the few things to keep in mind are as:
  1. 1st visit:
  • Visa: India suggests visiting India on a medical visa. We can issue you a medical visa invitation letter from our surrogacy clinic- GestationalSurrogacyIndia.
  • Stay Duration: If you decide on an egg donor assisted surrogacy, your stay duration will be 5 – 7 days. In case of self IVF Surrogacy, it will become about 18 - 21 days for complete IVF to do. Otherwise, if you arrange IVF medication in your resident location, then your trip to India will be for about 10 days.
  • Booking flights and hotels: We suggest that you should book your own flights as per your schedule. Also, we have selected a few hotels near the surrogacy clinics with the negotiated rates.
  • Arrival in India: You will have an English speaking Relationship Manager (RM) along with a chauffeur driven car assigned to you during the whole trip. You will meet with the IVF specialist, semen sample collection, contract signatures, egg pick up and embryo transfer etc.
  • Excursions from the City: We can also organize your trip to the selected places to amuse with, such as Taj Mahal in Agra, and a trip to Aamby Valley in Mumbai.
  • Pregnancy Result: After the embryo transfer in the gestational surrogate, you can go back to your country. After 15 days of the embryo transfer, the IVF specialist will do a blood test on the surrogate mother to confirm the result. Then, a copy of the result will be sent to you.
  1. 2nd visit:
  • Stay Duration: The stay duration in India after baby delivery depends on various factors. If the baby’s health is fine after birth and she is ready to go back, then there is only paperwork to complete.
  • Accommodation to stay for longer: This time, your stay will be longer and your family and your new family member will need more space. Before your visit, we will give you a list of some service apartments near the delivery hospital.
  • Arriving for Baby Delivery: After 8-9 months to pregnancy of your surrogate, you will be recommended regularly on the ongoing health of your surrogate mother and the expected date to the delivery of your child.
  • Delivery Hospital: The delivery hospital will be cautiously selected. The delivery of your baby will happen in secondary care or a tertiary care hospital under the care of a reputed Obstetrician and the IVF specialist.
  • Birth Certificate: After delivery of your baby, you will also fill the baby birth form with her name. This form will be sent by hospital to the local municipal corporation to issue you a birth certificate of the baby.
  1. Passport: After the birth certificate is received, an application is filed for citizenship and issue of Passport at the respective Embassy along with necessary documents.
  2. FRRO: After issuance of Passport, an Application is filled with Ministry of Home affairs (MHA) for Exit Visa and then to Foreign Regional Registration Office (FRRO) for exit clearance.
  3. DNA test: International clients cannot use both an egg donor and a sperm donor, or donor embryos with surrogacy, as a genetic link between baby and at least one parent is required by the embassies of most countries to grant citizenship and a passport to the baby. This is a mandatory requirement for citizens of most countries.
At GestationalSurrogacyIndia, we believe to assist for our foreign patients to follow the complete fertility process that cover from Visits to Baby exit from the country lawfully.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Gestational Surrogacy India lists Indian Surrogacy Laws to Legal Surrogacy

 Surrogacy Laws in India
Gestational Surrogacy India makes you aware with surrogacy laws in India and International surrogacy laws. Believed to be called as a premium legal consultant, the company is pioneered in the law relating to Human Reproductive Sciences and has helped to the hundreds of childless couples from all over the world. Though India is a natural destination for International Surrogacy Arrangements, the excellent medical facilities, ease-in-approach, favorable legal position and economic viability has immensely placed to the country as a preferred destination for international surrogacy arrangements.  

In particular, India has seen a rise in the recourse to surrogacy as an ideal technique for the childless couples to take pleasure in the pleasures of parenthood. The only impediments the system faces now relate to the legal tangles that reveal it in the various phases of the process involved.
At Gestational Surrogacy India, the appropriate visa category will be a medical visa. So, the clinic does not accept the samples without the presence of the couples in India with proper medical visa so that the surrogate mother would not be cheated. Thus, such a visa may only be granted if the following conditions are fulfilled:

The foreign man and woman are properly married and the marriage should have sustained at least for two years.
A letter from the Embassy of the foreign country in India should be enclosed with the visa application stating clearly that (a) the country recognizes to surrogacy and (b) the child/children to be born to the commissioning couple through the Indian surrogate mother will be permitted entry into their country as a biological child/children of the couple commissioning surrogacy. 
The couple will give an undertaking that they would look after the child/children born through surrogacy.
The treatment should be executed only at one of the registered ART clinics accepted by ICMR.
The couple should generate a duly notarized agreement between the applicant couple and the potential Indian surrogate mother.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Surrogacy Gone Wrong? – Thailand Surrogacy

 Surrogate Mother in India

Gammy, a six month old baby, who suffers from Down syndrome, a lung infection and a congenital heart disease, has found himself in the care of his surrogate mother in Thailand after being abandoned by his biological parents. Allegedly, Gammy’s biological parents deliberately left the six-month-old behind but took the healthy twin sister with them. 
The couple in question reportedly pressurized the surrogate into aborting the infant while still in the womb as the baby’s condition became known to them four months after implantation in the surrogate. However, the surrogate reveals that she refused abortion as this was against her Buddhist beliefs.  
The surrogate mother, who also has three children of her own, has taken Gammy under her care. Upon contacting the accused couple, they said that they never knew about Gammy and were only told about the healthy twin. 
Baby Gammy’s case has received international attention because of the furore caused due to the concerns surrounding surrogacy. Surrogate mothers are common in nations such as Thailand, India and Africa due to the payment involved. The laws concerning surrogacy are not very strong and hence the situation in such cases becomes ambiguous. 
Upon a background check of the parents, it was revealed that the father has been previously involved in the sexual assault of several young girls. But the man’s son issued a statement saying that he was now a good man who has changed.
The social services in Australia are trying to get in touch with the couple to make further arrangements for baby Gammy, who for the time being remains with the surrogate mother who appears to be happy to be with Gammy.

Gestational Surrogacy Legal Issues in India

Surrogacy in India has its position all when another woman bears and gives birth to a baby for the intended parent(s) who are unable to conceive or carry a child themselves. There are two types of surrogacy give below:

     1.       Gestational Surrogacy: This type of surrogacy involves the implantation of an embryo formed using either: the eggs and sperm of the intended parents; or a donated egg fertilized with sperm from the intended father.
     2.       Traditional Surrogacy: This comes to involve sperm from the intended father and an egg from the surrogate. Here, fertilization is generally done by artificial insemination or intrauterine insemination (IUI).

Why to use the services of a Lawyer?
In the simple cases, many intended parents take care of the legal process themselves, although it can be helpful and assuring to look for some guidance about what exactly you need to execute and what to wait for. In more complex cases, it is essential to search for legal advice since surrogacy law could be hugely complex and the stakes are high.
The surrogacy lawyers help you in an orderly manner to provide precisely the information likely by the relevant agencies. The surrogacy lawyers draft the written, lawful submissions, which go with your application supporting to make sure the quick processing of your application.

Is A Legal Consultation necessary to start the Case?
Sure. The nature of the consultation will rely on whether you wish to follow a surrogacy arrangement within your jurisdiction. A consultation will be essential to draw the laws and procedures and will assist you make a decision whether to hire a firm. A thorough review will let you to comprehend the lawful and realistic implications of your decision to choose for surrogacy abroad. Also, it is best to recognize the steps that are involved in the whole process so that you could efficiently cope with the process.

Why to hire a Surrogacy Lawyer?
1. Attorney-assistance: An attorney is to handle your case. You will not be passed off to a paralegal after you have hired a surrogacy lawyer.
2. Availability: If you have any questions, you could call or email and we give surety that we will return your query within 24 hours. 
3. Reasonable fees: The legal fees are very reasonable compared to other law firms. It is important for the clients to feel they got the value for their money.  

Surrogacy in Mumbai or Surrogacy in Delhi - Pros and Cons

Surrogacy in Delhi
Know that the capital city of India (Delhi) is emerging as a major hub for surrogacy. Here, a thorough study conducted by the Center for Social Research has specified that there are many fertility clinics & centers in Delhi that have their status famous worldwide. As a result, the estimates show that each clinic in Delhi becomes prominent among their global patients.

Advantages of Surrogacy in Delhi   
  • Surrogacy in Delhi is cheaper than surrogacy in the developed nations. Relying on the doctor and clinic you go to, savings could be more than half of what you would have spent in the first-world countries.  
  • Infertility centers in Delhi will make you choose among their lists of surrogate moms. 
  • Surrogacy clinics in New Delhi will update you along the way on what’s going on with the process.

Disadvantages of Surrogacy in Delhi
  • New Delhi could be halfway across the globe for you; you cannot regularly test on the surrogate mother yourself. 
  • If surrogacy is not lawful in your country, you might not be able to bring your child back home.

Surrogacy in Mumbai
After Surrogacy in Delhi, Surrogacy in Mumbai offers a wide range of programs and services. Indeed, the surrogacy clinics in India are attracting to the global attention to providing the cutting-edge technology at the affordable prices.

Advantages of Surrogacy in Mumbai
  • With the increase of high-quality surrogacy clinics in Mumbai, you are unlikely to be overwhelmed by waiting lists. 
  • For the people seeking an egg donor of a specific ethnicity for gestational surrogacy in India, there are likely to be viable options in Mumbai. 
  • If you have the time, explore the wonders of Mumbai. Mumbai is a city steeped in history, architecture, cuisine and cinema.

Disadvantages of Surrogacy in Mumbai
Though Surrogacy in Mumbai comes with modern medical technologies, so the cost of surrogacy therein goes high and makes people think for their pockets.
If surrogacy is not legal in your country, you might not be able to bring your child back home from there.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Surrogate Mother Costs - How to Limit Costs to US 30000

Globally, there are many people that are seen selecting to India as a destination for the best surrogacy.  Though there are many reasons to know surrogacy in India makes the country one-stop destination, but there are given a few of them significantly as:   

·         Surrogacy Treatment is inexpensive in the country
·         Availability to the best of IVF doctors and experts
·         Easy to get wide database of Surrogate Mother in India
·         Legal aspect of Surrogacy in favor of surrogacy treatment

 Surrogate Mother Cost India

In addition, it is seen that the payment for a surrogate mother in the United States ranges between US$25,000 and $40,000, which seems very costly as compared to India. The fees for of the process- including fertility clinics; lawyers; medical fees; and agencies generally cost more than the fee going to the surrogate.

But India is the leading name in surrogacy owing to the low cost treatment and easy availability of women opting to be surrogate for childless couples. In India, the surrogacy costs about $ 25,000 compared to US where it is over  $100,000.

So rely on Surrogacy in India that comes a step ahead to the surrogacy available in US. From giving fees for surrogate mothers to helping them by fund for their children’s education, surrogacy cost in the country does not become high as other countries show.

Beyond the surrogacy cost factors, the agencies help to cope with the complex medical and lawful aspects involved. In addition, the surrogacy arrangements can be made separately. In the compensated surrogacy, the amount a surrogate gets differs widely, but do does not go high as one becomes compelled to have wrinkles over his/her forehead financially.

So, it is fully intended to come with surrogacy agencies in India economically, and effectively, such as GestationalSurrogacyIndia has its place at its patients’ heart special, in delivering cost-effective surrogacy treatments.